Monday, September 24, 2012

Friday! Friday! Friday!

Our next show SEEING THE CHANSON D'AUTOMNE is this Friday, September 28.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friend of Dustmuffin featured in the LA Times!!

Peleg Top, friend of Dustmuffin, is featured in today's LA Times for his Poetry Box!  Wonderful, Peleg, congratulations. Read about Peleg here.

Just spreading the word...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

We're in the hipest Hipster'hood!

It's official, Silver Lake is Number One, according to Forbes.

Best Hipster Neighborhoods

We're also bookworms.

 We're also the only neighborhood to put a chair among the pigeons.  The rest is for the birds.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Magical Owl and something for the Garden

I don't know what it is about owls that we love so much.  They're nocturnal and even as an avid ornithologist I can count the number of wild owls I have seen on two hands.  However, I managed to capture this one under a cloche.
Magical owl by stone sculpture Islay Grimes
How about this two tier planter?  Add some accents with vintage watering cans or pail.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Canary Suicides Update!

We get lots of questions about our show Canary Canary, Quite Contrary, such as where are the canaries.  We get visitors looking to show their friends and families the Canary Suicides.  Well, here's the news...They are featured in:

Captured: Specimens in Contemporary Art, Bedford Gallery, Walnut Creek.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Watches from Tokyo Bay

A myriad of styles, great bands and hip!  These are the guys that brought you Robot Clocks.  Sadly they have stopped making these but, we cleared out their supply and still have few left!

And just in case you forgot about the Robots...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


the gallery at 3517 west sunset proudly presents:

enter through dustmuffin.
3517 W. Sunset Blvd.
Silver Lake, CA 90026